Der Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing-Fahrer hat seine Meisterschaftsambitionen früh mit dem Sieg beim Serienauftakt Extreme XL Lagares in Portugal bekannt gemacht und sich unzweifelhaft gut an die vielen WESS-Herausforderungen angepasst.
Von Hard Enduro über Classic Enduro, Cross-Country und Beach Racing hat Bolt sich als eine Kraft erwiesen, mit der man rechnen muss. Nach einem starken Ergebnis beim niederländischen Red Bull Knock Out wurde er nun zum ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018 gekürt.
Billy Bolt
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Billy, wie fühlt es sich an, der ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018 zu sein?
Billy Bolt: „Es ist ein Gefühl, das definitiv eine Weile dauern wird es zu realisieren, aber es fühlt sich ziemlich gut an. Wenn man darüber nachdenkt, wie weit wir in dieser Saison gekommen sind und so viele Enduro-Disziplinen gefahren sind, um an der Spitze zu stehen, fühlt sich das wirklich gut an. "
Mit 275 Punkten Vorsprung in der Meisterschaft von Red Bull Knock Out. Was war deine Taktik für das Rennen?
„Um ehrlich zu sein, mit so vielen Fahrern, die zur gleichen Zeit auf der Strecke unterwegs waren, wusste ich, dass es da draußen ein Blutbad sein würde. Es wäre also unmöglich, sich zu sehr auf Taktik zu konzentrieren. Der Sand war so weich, dass die langsameren Fahrer in der ersten Runde litten. Mit vielen Beach Racing-Spezialisten hier wusste ich, dass es nicht möglich war, das Podium zu erreichen, aber ich wusste, dass ich immer noch auf ein starkes Ergebnis drängen und die Jungs schlagen muss, gegen die ich in der Meisterschaft gekämpft habe. Ich habe mich für die Top 15 entschieden, also den zwölften Platz zu erreichen und auch Manni Lettenbichler zu schlagen. Josep Garcia war ebenfalls ein echter Pluspunkt. “
Billy Bolt
Wie lief das Rennen insgesamt?
„Ich hatte einen guten Start und konnte mich bis zu meinem ersten Tanken nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. Aber danach hatte ich zwei harte Stürze. Ich kollidierte mit einigen Fahrern, die aus der Reihe kamen und einige große Sandbänke hinunterstürzten. Ich verdrehte dabei mein bike und kämpfte danach ein bisschen. Ich kämpfte noch fünf Runden weiter, bevor ich mich erneut um Kraftstoff kümmerte und die Probleme korrigierte. Das hat auch meinen Kopf beruhigt - ich habe mich umgruppiert und bin trotz einer stark angeschlagenen Strecke bis zum Ende stark gefahren. “
Was zeichnet dich in einer so abwechslungsreichen Rennsaison als persönliches Highlight aus?
„Es ist schwierig, nur eines zu wählen, weil wir in so vielen verschiedenen Arten von Rennen gefahren sind. Natürlich war es ein persönliches Highlight, die erste Runde bei Extreme XL Lagares zu gewinnen. Es war der Auftakt der Meisterschaft, mit so vielen guten Fahrern frisch und bereit für die Saison. Sie zu schlagen und meinen ersten internationalen Sieg einzufahren, war ein großer Moment, der mir letztendlich viel Selbstvertrauen und Vertrauen in den Rest der Serie gab. Ein weiteres persönliches Highlight war das Podium bei meinem Heimspiel im Hawkstone Park Cross-Country. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich dort gezeigt habe, dass ich auch die schnelleren Sachen fahren kann. “
Billy Bolt
Hast Du die Vorbereitung zwischen den Rennen genossen und von einer Enduro-Disziplin zur anderen gewechselt?
"Ja, habe ich. Aber es war definitiv keine Ein-Mann-Show. Natürlich bin ich der Fahrer und ich muss die Ergebnisse erzielen, aber es war eine enorme Teamleistung von allen, die am Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing-Team beteiligt waren, um als Meister abzuschließen. Mein Mechaniker Lee, Teammanager Andi und alle anderen im Team sind das ganze Jahr über immer besser geworden, und ich bin zu 100 Prozent der Meinung, dass wir heute Meister sind. "
Als ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018 freust Du dich schließlich darauf, deinen WESS-Preis zu testen.
„Ich kann es kaum erwarten, auf dem Fahrersitz zu sitzen und zu sehen, was dieser KTM X-Bow tun wird. Es ist ein wunderschönes Auto und ich freue mich darauf, mit ihm unterwegs zu sein. Es ist der Wahnsinn, diese Trophäe zu gewinnen, das ist sicher! "
Der strahlende Sieger
World Enduro Super Series Final Championship Standings
Rnd 1. Extreme XL Lagares (Portugal) May 11-13
Rnd 2. Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble (Austria) May 31-June 3
Rnd 3. Trèfle Lozérien AMV (France) June 8-10
Rnd 4. Red Bull Romaniacs (Romania) July 24-28
Rnd 5. Red Bull 111 Megawatt (Poland) September 8-9
Rnd 6. Hawkstone Park Cross-Country (England) September 22-23
Rnd 7. Gotland Grand National (Sweden) October 26-27
Rnd 8. Red Bull Knock Out (The Netherlands) November 10
Publikation: WESS Promotion
Fotos: Future7Media
Billy Bolt: Ultimate Enduro Champion 2018
Scheveningen, The Netherlands - November 12, 2018 — After eight action-packed rounds of multi-discipline Enduro racing, Billy Bolt rode into the World Enduro Super Series’ record books as the inaugural ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION.
Making his championship ambitions known early with victory at the series opener Extreme XL Lagares in Portugal, the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing rider unquestionably adapted well to the many WESS challenges.
From Hard Enduro to Classic Enduro, Cross-Country and Beach Racing, Bolt has proved a force to be reckoned with. And now, following a strong result at Red Bull Knock Out in The Netherlands, he has been crowned ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018…
Congratulations Billy, how does it feel to be the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018?
Billy Bolt: “It’s a feeling that’s definitely going to take some time to sink in, but it feels pretty good. When you think about how far we’ve come this season, racing so many Enduro disciplines, to be on top after all of that feels really good.”
Holding a 275-point lead in the championship coming into Red Bull Knock Out, what was your tactic for the race?
“To be honest with so many riders out on track at the same time I knew it would be carnage out there, so trying to focus too much on tactics would be impossible. The sand was so soft that the slower riders were suffering from lap one. With a lot of Beach Racing specialists here I knew challenging for the race podium wasn’t possible, but I knew I still needed to push for a strong result and beat the guys I was battling in the championship. I was aiming for top 15, so to finish 12th and also beat Manni Lettenbichler and Josep Garcia was a real plus, too.”
Overall, how did the race go for you?
“I got a decent start and managed to stay out of trouble up until my first refueling. But afterwards I ended up having two big crashes. I collided with some riders who got off line and ended up tumbling down some big sand banks. I twisted up my bike in the process and struggled a bit after that. I fought on for another five laps before pitting again for fuel and to fix the issues. That settled my head too - I regrouped and rode strong to the finish, despite a badly beaten up track at that stage.”
In what’s been such a varied season of racing, what stands out to you as a personal highlight?
“It’s difficult to pick just one because we’ve raced in so many different types of races. Of course winning round one at Extreme XL Lagares was a personal highlight. It was the championship opener, with so many good riders fresh and ready for the season. To beat them and take my first international victory was a huge moment and that ultimately gave me a lot of confidence and belief in myself for the remainder of the series. Another personal highlight was finishing on the podium at my home round at the Hawkstone Park Cross-Country. I feel like I showed there that I can ride the faster stuff, too.”
Have you enjoyed the preparation between the races, switching from one Enduro discipline to another?
“Yes, I have. But it’s definitely not been a one-man show. Of course I’m the rider and I have to get the results, but it’s been a huge team effort from everyone involved in Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing to come away as champions. We’ve put in the long hours to get ready for each round. My mechanic Lee, team manager Andi and everyone else in the team have always pushed to be better and better all year and I 100 per cent feel that’s why we’re champions today.”
Finally, as the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018, are you looking forward to testing your WESS prize?
“I can’t wait to sit in the driving seat and see what this KTM X-Bow will do. It’s a beautiful car and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road in it. It’s one heck of a trophy to win that’s for sure!”
With the 2018 World Enduro Super Series complete, stay tuned for details of the 2019 calendar soon…
World Enduro Super Series Final Championship Standings
Rnd 1. Extreme XL Lagares (Portugal) May 11-13
Rnd 2. Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble (Austria) May 31-June 3
Rnd 3. Trèfle Lozérien AMV (France) June 8-10
Rnd 4. Red Bull Romaniacs (Romania) July 24-28
Rnd 5. Red Bull 111 Megawatt (Poland) September 8-9
Rnd 6. Hawkstone Park Cross-Country (England) September 22-23
Rnd 7. Gotland Grand National (Sweden) October 26-27
Rnd 8. Red Bull Knock Out (The Netherlands) November 10
Billy Bolt: Ultimate Enduro Champion 2018
Scheveningen, The Netherlands - November 12, 2018 — After eight action-packed rounds of multi-discipline Enduro racing, Billy Bolt rode into the World Enduro Super Series’ record books as the inaugural ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION.
Making his championship ambitions known early with victory at the series opener Extreme XL Lagares in Portugal, the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing rider unquestionably adapted well to the many WESS challenges.
From Hard Enduro to Classic Enduro, Cross-Country and Beach Racing, Bolt has proved a force to be reckoned with. And now, following a strong result at Red Bull Knock Out in The Netherlands, he has been crowned ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018…
Congratulations Billy, how does it feel to be the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018?
Billy Bolt: “It’s a feeling that’s definitely going to take some time to sink in, but it feels pretty good. When you think about how far we’ve come this season, racing so many Enduro disciplines, to be on top after all of that feels really good.”
Holding a 275-point lead in the championship coming into Red Bull Knock Out, what was your tactic for the race?
“To be honest with so many riders out on track at the same time I knew it would be carnage out there, so trying to focus too much on tactics would be impossible. The sand was so soft that the slower riders were suffering from lap one. With a lot of Beach Racing specialists here I knew challenging for the race podium wasn’t possible, but I knew I still needed to push for a strong result and beat the guys I was battling in the championship. I was aiming for top 15, so to finish 12th and also beat Manni Lettenbichler and Josep Garcia was a real plus, too.”
Overall, how did the race go for you?
“I got a decent start and managed to stay out of trouble up until my first refueling. But afterwards I ended up having two big crashes. I collided with some riders who got off line and ended up tumbling down some big sand banks. I twisted up my bike in the process and struggled a bit after that. I fought on for another five laps before pitting again for fuel and to fix the issues. That settled my head too - I regrouped and rode strong to the finish, despite a badly beaten up track at that stage.”
In what’s been such a varied season of racing, what stands out to you as a personal highlight?
“It’s difficult to pick just one because we’ve raced in so many different types of races. Of course winning round one at Extreme XL Lagares was a personal highlight. It was the championship opener, with so many good riders fresh and ready for the season. To beat them and take my first international victory was a huge moment and that ultimately gave me a lot of confidence and belief in myself for the remainder of the series. Another personal highlight was finishing on the podium at my home round at the Hawkstone Park Cross-Country. I feel like I showed there that I can ride the faster stuff, too.”
Have you enjoyed the preparation between the races, switching from one Enduro discipline to another?
“Yes, I have. But it’s definitely not been a one-man show. Of course I’m the rider and I have to get the results, but it’s been a huge team effort from everyone involved in Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing to come away as champions. We’ve put in the long hours to get ready for each round. My mechanic Lee, team manager Andi and everyone else in the team have always pushed to be better and better all year and I 100 per cent feel that’s why we’re champions today.”
Finally, as the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018, are you looking forward to testing your WESS prize?
“I can’t wait to sit in the driving seat and see what this KTM X-Bow will do. It’s a beautiful car and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road in it. It’s one heck of a trophy to win that’s for sure!”
With the 2018 World Enduro Super Series complete, stay tuned for details of the 2019 calendar soon…
World Enduro Super Series Final Championship Standings
Rnd 1. Extreme XL Lagares (Portugal) May 11-13
Rnd 2. Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble (Austria) May 31-June 3
Rnd 3. Trèfle Lozérien AMV (France) June 8-10
Rnd 4. Red Bull Romaniacs (Romania) July 24-28
Rnd 5. Red Bull 111 Megawatt (Poland) September 8-9
Rnd 6. Hawkstone Park Cross-Country (England) September 22-23
Rnd 7. Gotland Grand National (Sweden) October 26-27
Rnd 8. Red Bull Knock Out (The Netherlands) November 10
Note to editors: Copyright free images, for editorial use, are available from
For further information concerning this press release please contact:
WESS Promotion GmbH
Anna-Larissa Redinger
Billy Bolt: Ultimate Enduro Champion 2018
Scheveningen, The Netherlands - November 12, 2018 — After eight action-packed rounds of multi-discipline Enduro racing, Billy Bolt rode into the World Enduro Super Series’ record books as the inaugural ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION.
Making his championship ambitions known early with victory at the series opener Extreme XL Lagares in Portugal, the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing rider unquestionably adapted well to the many WESS challenges.
From Hard Enduro to Classic Enduro, Cross-Country and Beach Racing, Bolt has proved a force to be reckoned with. And now, following a strong result at Red Bull Knock Out in The Netherlands, he has been crowned ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018…
Congratulations Billy, how does it feel to be the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018?
Billy Bolt: “It’s a feeling that’s definitely going to take some time to sink in, but it feels pretty good. When you think about how far we’ve come this season, racing so many Enduro disciplines, to be on top after all of that feels really good.”
Holding a 275-point lead in the championship coming into Red Bull Knock Out, what was your tactic for the race?
“To be honest with so many riders out on track at the same time I knew it would be carnage out there, so trying to focus too much on tactics would be impossible. The sand was so soft that the slower riders were suffering from lap one. With a lot of Beach Racing specialists here I knew challenging for the race podium wasn’t possible, but I knew I still needed to push for a strong result and beat the guys I was battling in the championship. I was aiming for top 15, so to finish 12th and also beat Manni Lettenbichler and Josep Garcia was a real plus, too.”
Overall, how did the race go for you?
“I got a decent start and managed to stay out of trouble up until my first refueling. But afterwards I ended up having two big crashes. I collided with some riders who got off line and ended up tumbling down some big sand banks. I twisted up my bike in the process and struggled a bit after that. I fought on for another five laps before pitting again for fuel and to fix the issues. That settled my head too - I regrouped and rode strong to the finish, despite a badly beaten up track at that stage.”
In what’s been such a varied season of racing, what stands out to you as a personal highlight?
“It’s difficult to pick just one because we’ve raced in so many different types of races. Of course winning round one at Extreme XL Lagares was a personal highlight. It was the championship opener, with so many good riders fresh and ready for the season. To beat them and take my first international victory was a huge moment and that ultimately gave me a lot of confidence and belief in myself for the remainder of the series. Another personal highlight was finishing on the podium at my home round at the Hawkstone Park Cross-Country. I feel like I showed there that I can ride the faster stuff, too.”
Have you enjoyed the preparation between the races, switching from one Enduro discipline to another?
“Yes, I have. But it’s definitely not been a one-man show. Of course I’m the rider and I have to get the results, but it’s been a huge team effort from everyone involved in Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing to come away as champions. We’ve put in the long hours to get ready for each round. My mechanic Lee, team manager Andi and everyone else in the team have always pushed to be better and better all year and I 100 per cent feel that’s why we’re champions today.”
Finally, as the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018, are you looking forward to testing your WESS prize?
“I can’t wait to sit in the driving seat and see what this KTM X-Bow will do. It’s a beautiful car and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road in it. It’s one heck of a trophy to win that’s for sure!”
With the 2018 World Enduro Super Series complete, stay tuned for details of the 2019 calendar soon…
World Enduro Super Series Final Championship Standings
Rnd 1. Extreme XL Lagares (Portugal) May 11-13
Rnd 2. Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble (Austria) May 31-June 3
Rnd 3. Trèfle Lozérien AMV (France) June 8-10
Rnd 4. Red Bull Romaniacs (Romania) July 24-28
Rnd 5. Red Bull 111 Megawatt (Poland) September 8-9
Rnd 6. Hawkstone Park Cross-Country (England) September 22-23
Rnd 7. Gotland Grand National (Sweden) October 26-27
Rnd 8. Red Bull Knock Out (The Netherlands) November 10
Billy Bolt: Ultimate Enduro Champion 2018
Scheveningen, The Netherlands - November 12, 2018 — After eight action-packed rounds of multi-discipline Enduro racing, Billy Bolt rode into the World Enduro Super Series’ record books as the inaugural ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION.
Making his championship ambitions known early with victory at the series opener Extreme XL Lagares in Portugal, the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing rider unquestionably adapted well to the many WESS challenges.
From Hard Enduro to Classic Enduro, Cross-Country and Beach Racing, Bolt has proved a force to be reckoned with. And now, following a strong result at Red Bull Knock Out in The Netherlands, he has been crowned ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018…
Congratulations Billy, how does it feel to be the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018?
Billy Bolt: “It’s a feeling that’s definitely going to take some time to sink in, but it feels pretty good. When you think about how far we’ve come this season, racing so many Enduro disciplines, to be on top after all of that feels really good.”
Holding a 275-point lead in the championship coming into Red Bull Knock Out, what was your tactic for the race?
“To be honest with so many riders out on track at the same time I knew it would be carnage out there, so trying to focus too much on tactics would be impossible. The sand was so soft that the slower riders were suffering from lap one. With a lot of Beach Racing specialists here I knew challenging for the race podium wasn’t possible, but I knew I still needed to push for a strong result and beat the guys I was battling in the championship. I was aiming for top 15, so to finish 12th and also beat Manni Lettenbichler and Josep Garcia was a real plus, too.”
Overall, how did the race go for you?
“I got a decent start and managed to stay out of trouble up until my first refueling. But afterwards I ended up having two big crashes. I collided with some riders who got off line and ended up tumbling down some big sand banks. I twisted up my bike in the process and struggled a bit after that. I fought on for another five laps before pitting again for fuel and to fix the issues. That settled my head too - I regrouped and rode strong to the finish, despite a badly beaten up track at that stage.”
In what’s been such a varied season of racing, what stands out to you as a personal highlight?
“It’s difficult to pick just one because we’ve raced in so many different types of races. Of course winning round one at Extreme XL Lagares was a personal highlight. It was the championship opener, with so many good riders fresh and ready for the season. To beat them and take my first international victory was a huge moment and that ultimately gave me a lot of confidence and belief in myself for the remainder of the series. Another personal highlight was finishing on the podium at my home round at the Hawkstone Park Cross-Country. I feel like I showed there that I can ride the faster stuff, too.”
Have you enjoyed the preparation between the races, switching from one Enduro discipline to another?
“Yes, I have. But it’s definitely not been a one-man show. Of course I’m the rider and I have to get the results, but it’s been a huge team effort from everyone involved in Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing to come away as champions. We’ve put in the long hours to get ready for each round. My mechanic Lee, team manager Andi and everyone else in the team have always pushed to be better and better all year and I 100 per cent feel that’s why we’re champions today.”
Finally, as the ULTIMATE ENDURO CHAMPION 2018, are you looking forward to testing your WESS prize?
“I can’t wait to sit in the driving seat and see what this KTM X-Bow will do. It’s a beautiful car and I’m looking forward to getting out on the road in it. It’s one heck of a trophy to win that’s for sure!”
With the 2018 World Enduro Super Series complete, stay tuned for details of the 2019 calendar soon…
World Enduro Super Series Final Championship Standings
1. Billy Bolt (Husqvarna - GBR) 4800pts; 2. Manuel Lettenbichler (KTM - GER) 4470pts; 3. Nathan Watson (KTM - GBR) 4103pts; 4. Josep Garcia (KTM - ESP) 4010pts; 5. Taddy Blazusiak (KTM - POL) 3675pts; 6. Paul Bolton (KTM - GBR) 3377pts; 7. Wade Young (Sherco - RSA) 3220pts; 8. Graham Jarvis (Husqvarna - GBR) 3010pts; 9. Jonny Walker (KTM - GBR) 2900pts; 10. Lars Enockl 2272pts…
Photo credit: Future7Media
Red Bull TV:
Rnd 1. Extreme XL Lagares (Portugal) May 11-13
Rnd 2. Erzbergrodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble (Austria) May 31-June 3
Rnd 3. Trèfle Lozérien AMV (France) June 8-10
Rnd 4. Red Bull Romaniacs (Romania) July 24-28
Rnd 5. Red Bull 111 Megawatt (Poland) September 8-9
Rnd 6. Hawkstone Park Cross-Country (England) September 22-23
Rnd 7. Gotland Grand National (Sweden) October 26-27
Rnd 8. Red Bull Knock Out (The Netherlands) November 10
Note to editors: Copyright free images, for editorial use, are available from
For further information concerning this press release please contact:
WESS Promotion GmbH
Anna-Larissa Redinger
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