Thursday  07. June  2007 

• 08.00 -10.00 Registration
• 10.30 End of Enroling
• 12.30Driver’s Meeting
• 13.00 Start
• 17.00 End of the Race
• 20.00 Presentation Ceremony (on the spot or in the marquee)

• Start  of the “Highspeed Race Erzberg-Kings-Class“ (identical Start Prolog Fr/Sa)
• Gravel track timed up till to the peak
• Finish “Highspeed Race Erzberg-Kings-Class“ (identical Start Prolog Fr/Sa)
• Distance of the track: about  13 km

The drivers are taken back in groups (~15 persons) from the finish to the start or the paddock by tourguides. 

Each participant has to absolve the entire track timed twice. Rated is the faster time, but the maximum difference must not be more than 60 seconds.

If the difference is more than 60 seconds, 30 seconds penalty are added to the best time. This time is than valued as best time. Each driver has to take care that his bike meets the demands of KfG § 57a.

For the timed section “Race” and the timed race the general safety regulations and instructions of the Erzbergrodeo and ASKÖ and   conditions of participation and note of safety have full validity.

 At a breach of regulation the participant is disqualified. The entry money in this case will not be given back.

The meeting of the drivers takes place punctually at 12:00 in the arena in front of the marquee.

Each driver is obliged to take part in the meeting.

Technical Regulation of the King’s Class:

• The vehicles must be registered and roadworthy, licensed and safe and meet the demands of § 57a
• Engine: at least 2-cylinder without any cubic capacity

• Tyres: roadworthy

• Lights
• Undercarriage: can be modified
• Chassis: standard according to the type-sheet 

The vehicles must be presented roadworthy and safe and will be checked by ASKÖ (MSA) technicians before the competition. General conditions of safety according to the Erzberg Regulation ASKÖ    by MSA.

Advised protective clothing and equipment:

Firmly fastened helmet with chin-cup and eye protection or glasses, chest protector with back-shoulders and elbow protectors, kneepads, gloves, boots and tearproof biker-clothing are absolutely necessary. 

The organiser reserves the permission to drive for himself if the equipment is not complete or in bed condition.

General Safety Regulations according to Erzbergrodeo Rules / by MSA


ERZBERGRODEO XIII  “IRON ROAD PROLOG“ the mountain race on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 June 2007

 The start of the first participant takes place punctually at 09:00 (single start with running engine from the starting ramp)

Start number 1 begins, the other numbers follow in order till the last starter.

Each starter has to put in himself at the preliminary starting point. If need be drivers are called with their start number by a sound system. The organiser reserves the permission to ride for himself, if the attendance is not effected  on time or not in accordance with the start number. If a participant misses the start and doesn’t get the permission to drive the entry money expires in favour of the organiser.

The track covers a gravel track about 13km without  obstacles of the terrain (even with short spring work and roadworthy tyres manageable) and leads to the finish at the peak that is 700m higher up.

Safety Regulations for the timed race:

1.       Riding after sight (contact driving) according Stvo is essential.

2.  Each participant has to adjust his speed to his capability and physical condition, in order not to endanger other drivers.

3.  Each biker has to assume that slower or earlier started participants are on the track an must calculate his passing manoeuvre enough safely.

4.  At passing manoeuvres the lateral distance must be kept according to the speed, so that no collision will happen.

5.  If a passing manoeuvre without sufficient visibility and safe lateral distance to the driver in front not possible , overtaking is absolutely forbidden.

6.  Droped out drivers stay on the roadside and leave only under consideration of the other participants the danger zone

7.  The race track must be only used in the direction of traffic.

8.  To stop on the track is not allowed under any circumstances (especially at impeded visibility by dust or fog).The diver has to leave the track with consideration of the following drivers on the shortest way  and is only allowed to stop on the trackside.

9.  Leaving the side of the race track is absolutely forbidden.

10. Droped out drivers are only allowed to move onto the side of the track with consideration of the following drivers., but only in the direction of the traffic.

11. Wait for the security forces to be picked up.

12. Wait for further instructions after finishing the race behind the finishing post.

13. To leave the finishing area on your own is forbidden.

14. Stay in the finishing area till you are picked up by a guide (with signaljacket)and be taken back with your group to the paddock.


1. Instructions of the security force must be observed unconditionally.

2. The yellow flag means: Danger on the track-particular caution, reduce your speed in order to be able to stop, should the situation arise.

3. The red flag means: Stopping-stop immediately on the track side and wait for instructions of the racing staff.

4. first aid is obligatory

5. When you arrive at a scene of an accident, protect yourself and the danger zone with regard to following drivers. Give plainly recognizable signals, so that the arriving drivers realise the danger in time and prevent collisions.  


The evaluation of the race is effected by time-keeping. Each participant contests maximum two evaluation runs (maximum one run a day). The race takes place on the marked race track and gravel piste.

The race track is fenced of by track dividers like clods of earth or barriers with a set of signals.

Concrete track dividers must not be driven over or interrupted. The marked tuning points on the gravel track are additionally announced once more at the driver’s meeting. If a track divider is passed over or tuning points  provable not passed the driver will be disqualified.

The proof is furnished when the safety personal of the organiser reports this fact or when other people furnish the proof in form of a definite film document at the latest of 1 hour after the finish of the race.(The organiser reserves the acknowledgement of the film documents for himself)

The final results of the race evaluation are hanging at the entry of the marquee and in front of the racing office from 09:00 p.m.

The announcement of the results and the presentation ceremony takes place on Friday and Saturday in the marquee at about 09:00 p.m.


ERZBERGRODEO XIII  “Red Bull Hare Scramble“  on sunday  10. June 2007

Qualified are:

The best 500 and for Sunday registered drivers are automatically qualified inclusive the winner of the RODEO X Games with a starting place in the first starting row.

Your starting place ensues from the result in the Erzberg Iron Road Race.(The list of the results is hanging in front of the racing office and the entry of the marquee)

The best 500 drivers of the Iron Road Prolog  and those registered for the Hare Scramble are qualified for the Red Bull Hare Scramble. If you don’t qualify for the Hare Scramble, you will get back the difference to the entry money only on Sunday between 07:00-10:00 a.m. After 10:00 a.m. a pay-out is no longer possible. The money will also not be transferred and expires in favour of the organiser.

Qualified drivers get their control-labels with their starting number in the race office. The control-labels and the starting numbers are exclusively distributed on Sunday, 10.June 2007 from 07:00 until 10:00  a.a.

Stick the control label on the right side of your helmet, remove the former start number from the bike and stick the new start number onto your vehicle .The drivers meeting takes place at 10:00 a.m. in the paddock.

Betake yourself ready for the race to the preliminary start at 10:30 a.m. Obey the instruction of the organisers.

The vehicles are only allowed to be started at the beginning of the race (flag signal!)

Putting up the starter

1.  row of prolog places 1-50

2.  row of prolog places 51-100

3.  row of prolog places 101-150

4.  row of prolog places 151-200

5.  row of prolog places 201-250

6.  row of prolog places 251-300

7.  row of prolog places 301-350

8.  row of prolog places 351-400

9.  row of prolog places 401-450

10. row of prolog places 451-500

The first start row starts exactly at 12:00.

The start (Mass-start with the engine turned off) is carried out one row behind the other with an interval of at least 2 minutes dependent on the course of  the race.

The new track is leading through open country (with different degrees of difficulty) over about 23 km.(average of the speed of the winner in 2006: 11km per hour)

The track is leading over the peak back of the paddock to the finish. The track must be ridden in the marked driving direction (direction signs, tapes, fences, barriers)

From Charles Diner the track is NO HELP ZONE.

From Charles Diner on the drivers only may help each other. Those who demand the help of strangers, will be disqualified.

The proof of furnish is when the safety personal of the organiser reports this fact or when other people furnish the proof in form of a definite firm document at latest 1 hour after the finish of the race.(The organiser reserves the acknowledgement of the film documents for himself)

Secret checkpoints are constructed along the track. You will be stopped at the checkpoint, registered and let past by hand sign. If you drive on without release, you are not registered and assumed as droped-out. Approaching the checkpoint from another than the marked direction leads to expulsion.

We point out that every leaving of the track is dangerous, because pedestrians and vehicles of the task force are underway assuming that the track is free.

The evaluation is effected by the order of arrival at the finish and by the number of reached checkpoints in driving direction and uninterrupted sequence. The final results are hanging in front of the racing office and the marquee after 05:00 p.m.

The presentation ceremony takes place in front of the marquee from 04:00 p.m. on.

You will get more detailed information before the start at the driver’s meeting on the spot!

MSA Technical Regulations

The motorbikes must be roadworthy, in good technical condition and accredited immediately before the start. The vehicles must be up to the technical standard of the competition as well as to the technical premises.

You can also get the technical details at the motorbikes dealers. The technical equipment like engine, drive system and braking elements must withstand a check according §57, the obligatory technical check for vehicles accredited to roads, the so-called “Pickerl”-Überprüfung.

Cover panels, mirrors, indicators and lighting system are excluded. The attachment parts must be able to allocated to a roadworthy motorbike.

Every participant and driver is responsible for the condition of his vehicle and for keeping the technical regulations. In case of alignment or accident participants take full responsibility . MSA reserves the right to check motorbikes at random by authorized (§ 57) KFZ mechanics.

Regulations of conduct for drivers, escorts and visitors

1. In the entire Erzbergrodeo area driving is absolutely prohibited.

2. Racing vehicles outside the racing track toward the competitions are only allowed:

- to be volled downhill

- to be driven at walkingspeed uphill

- to be pushed with engine turned off in the paddocks

Excluded from that regulations are heavy motorbikes: they can be driven at walking speed. Offending participants will absolutely be excluded from the competition. The organiser reserves all steps of civil law against disturbance of the peace himself.


Motorsportverband: (MSA)
Event- organiser:

Rodeo-X GMBH