Lars Enöckl auf dem Weg - Roof of Africa

roof of africa lars enöckl

in wenigen minuten beginnt für mich meine größte reise - zur roof of africa!!
bin schon gespannt auf das land und freue mich schon auf viele neue erfahrungen!
meine vorbereitung war gut und ich werde alles geben bei der roof!
Vitamine tanken
Vitamine tanken

Auszug aus dem Pressetext der Roof of Africa:

"The Roof of Africa has always attracted top international competitors, and this year is no exception. Previous winners Graham Jarvis and Chris Birch will both be here, as will top Austrian rider Andreas “Lettie” Lettenbichler. He has a formidable reputation, and will put his past experience in the “Roof” to good use. The Hemmingway brothers Dan and Ben will also be back, and they will be joined by experienced UK racer Justin Carter, who has plenty of experience racing in Africa. Also fresh from a successful European enduro season is Austrian enduro Champion Lars Enoekl, who will be racing in Lesotho for the first time " für Roof of Africa
Trainingsmode für Roof of Africa